Antique Porcelain FigurineAntique Porcelain FigurineAntique Porcelain FigurineAntique Porcelain Figurine

Antique Porcelain Figurine

Young Girl Holding a Lyre

     1 available for sale
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Item Description

Item Details

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Item Description

Antique Porcelain Figurine Young Blonde girl 71/2" tall in an Elegant and beautiful dress holding a Lyre as she walks.

Light wear, no cracks. no chips.

Good condition

All items disinfected before shipping.


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Payment and Shipping Details

Seller IP Address: United States - United States

Shipping services available:
Shipping / Handling Cost Cost For Each Additional Item Service
$5.00 $0.00 Economy Shipping (1 to 10 business days)
$15.00 $0.00 Economy Shipping from outside US (11 to 20 business days)
$10.00 $0.00 USPS Parcel Post (2 to 8 business days)

Shipping Restrictions - Shipping is not available to the following regions/countries:
Africa: Egypt, Somalia
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Payment methods accepted:
  • PayPal Accepted

Return Policy:
Item must be returned within: 7 days - Buyer pays return shipping costs.
Refund will be given as: Money back
