mityaua's Store

Maintained By: mityaua (0) - View all of my items.   

Our family came from the West Ukraine - Zakarpattya. Now we live in Kiev, but always come back to the Land of our ancestors, in a small village, located in a nice and ecologically clean area.
There are many wonderful masters who make beautiful items that you can see in our Shop.
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Kochuhov Dmytro

Don't be afraid to buy from us! Mail works in Kyiv, delivery to the USA is 14-30 days. Parcels are taken by car to Poland and then delivered by plane to their destination.
Our store is also on ETSY, opened in 2016. There you can see the same products, our discounts.
If you liked the store, let's have a coffee))))

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Buy 3D stereo lenticular holographic сard (set 2 pcs). Sailboat. Rare. Japan
$20.50  Buy It Now
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