1977 Russia (USSR-Era) "500th Birth anniversary of Giorgione"

1977 Russia (USSR-Era) "500th Birth anniversary of Giorgione"

Famous Paintings and Art Series Minisheet

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Item Description

Item Details

UniSquare Item ID:
Country/Region of Manufacture:
Russian Federation
F/VF (Fine/Very Fine)
Place of Origin:
Russia & Soviet Union
Mint Never Hinged/MNH
Famous Paintings and Art Series
Miniature Sheet
Year of Issue:

Item Description

Giogio Barbarelli da Castelfranco, known as Giorgione (1477-1510), was an Italian painter of the Venetian school during the High Renaissance, who died in his thirties.  He is known for the elusive poetic quality of his work, though only about six surviving paintings are firmly attributed to him. (Info courtesy of Wikipedia)


Condition Clarification:  Mint and Never Hinged.

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Seller IP Address: United States - United States

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$1.50 $0.00 Standard Shipping (1 to 5 business days)

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