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UniSquare's online Music marketplace specializes in helping music lovers, collectors, record stores, DJs and music fans shop and find their music. The type of items or media that you can buy or sell here includes rare vinyl records, music CDs, CD singles, music cassettes, vinyl LPs, DVD audio, accessories and more in any kind of music genre. New modern formats or used CDs, used, second hand vinyl records (45rpm, 78rpm and more), and out-of-print music can be bought, sold and auctioned off here.
Some of the popular music genres that you may be shopping for include Rock and Roll, Pop, Jazz, Folk, Country, Rap and Hip Hop. Rock music is actually quite new and became mainstream starting in the 1950s with Elvis Presley, while Jazz started near the beginning of the 20th century. Rhythm and Blues (R&B)is another popular kind of music that became big sometime between these two eras, starting around the 1930s and 1940s. This includes gospel and soul music and in more modern times, evolved into funk and disco.
Although some of the oldest and most elaborate music comes from classical genre. The type of names of composers that come up are those like Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. Classical music was known to have started around the 9th century, but really became popular in the 1700s. Most of this kind of music was orchestra, symphony and vocal opera singing.
Going back towards modern time, Rock music had so many different branches that alternative rock was born. Other kinds of rock included heavy metal music and hard rock. Later on, music began evolving into 1970s rock, 1980s and 1990s music. Some of these genres included Hip Hop and Pop (most famously by Michael Jackson), New Age, Grunge, Rap music, Dance & Electronica and Techno. Indies music (also known as Independent Music) is created by small, independent groups and even individuals who make their own music and sell it. These days, that's one way to make it big in the music industry other than participating on American Idol or The Voice.
Besides the major genres that are popular in the US. International, world music is also popular, including Reggae and Ska, which popularly came out of Jamaica. Latin music also falls into this category as well. Religious, spiritual and devotional music not only comes from, or is popular the United States, but has great sources elsewhere around the world.
Lastly, music videos such as those on MTV are another modern form of music that became hot in the 1980s. Before then, musicals from movies were the only other kind of visual music. This includes classical sing-alongs and dancing. Although comedies and children's music is another form of musical that is well known.
If you are interested in music memorabilia or DVDs, check out our Music Memorabilia Marketplace and our DVDs Marketplace. For music instruments, please visit our Musical Instruments Marketplace.