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Buy Hellboy DVD 2-Disc Set - Very Good
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Buy Bee Movie DVD 2008 - Very Good
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Our Movies Marketplace is for buying and selling movies and related media. These include new or used movies in DVD format, Blu-ray, HD DVD, VHS, Laserdisc, UMD, Film and any other video format. When you are looking for the newest and latest blockbuster movies, many folks buy them brand new from the store. Although, once your movies have been sitting around for awhile, you may want to sell them as used movies. This is a great way for buyers to get a great deal on used DVDs, Blu-ray and VHS videos. Not to mention the fact that used ones play just as good as the new movies, assuming the discs are still in good condition.

There are all kinds of different movie and television genres out there. The most popular ones are adventure and action movies, romance, science fiction, drama, mystery and thrillers, Western or cowboy stories, military and war stories, documentaries, horror movies and comedy themed stories. Children and family-friendly genres also include animated cartoon movies, Bible stories, musicals and fantasy films. Although older kids and young adults may prefer more mature anime (animated), teen stories, music videos and soap opera.

Besides actual 2-hour movies, other kinds of videos can include whole television series. Have you ever watched part of a television series or missed out on previous seasons of a show you just found on TV? This is where it comes in handy to shop around and purchase a whole season (or multiple seasons) of a television show or sitcom. Star Trek is an example of multiple television sci-fi series with many seasons and episodes - in addition to the many actual movies they made. These entire seasons can be stored on DVD, Blu-ray, High Definition DVDs and other modern format.

Reality television is another popular genre similar to a television series. These reality shows are typically based on recording real-life, "unscripted" activities or game shows. For instance, Gold Rush on history channel is a whole series with multiple seasons based on gold mining. While Survivor, The Apprentice, Big Brother, Hell's Kitchen and The Amazing Race are all reality game shows where contestants get kicked off one by one until the last person or team wins the grand prize.

Other kinds of movies include exercise and fitness videos to help get in shape. While sports videos are of interest for those either learning or training for a sport, while other kinds of videos of old NFL games for example are great for the couch potato. Speaking of learning, foreign movies are great for learning or teaching a foreign language, while performing arts type videos are great not only for entertainment and enjoyment, but also learning.

We all know blu-ray and DVD are the two most modern movie formats and can store a lot of data. One of the most popular formats of the past is VHS (Video Home System) tapes which were played in a VCR. Many of these are obsolete today and some movie producing companies no longer tape their movies on VHS. Although, there are plenty of folks who still prefer VHS and are looking to buy used VHS movies. Some of these are even collectible. So if you are looking to sell your used VHS movies, there are always people looking to buy them.

Other older movie formats include the Laserdisc, which is a giant pizza-sized disc which stored high quality movies. This was one of the first commercial home video optical discs ever created. Plain film was used a very long time ago even before VHS and is often considered antique.

One lesser-known format is called UMD (Universal Media Disc). It's not as popular in the mainstream, but if you have a Sony PlayStation Portable, the UMD is actually a modern disc that can be used to store and play movies on the PSP game system.